GeoIP using Mad Commands!

This is mainly just to troll, if you do anything bad or illegal with this it’s not my fault. This method finds the user's location by their ip address automagically through the geoip command with the use of Mad Commands! This will also tell you if they are using a proxy or vpn to connect to the server! This command uses, so by using this you agree to all of their privacy and terms of use! If something happens and your server gets banned from this site, you can request unban here. While it is very unlikely that you will be banned from the site, simply asking for an unban will instantly remove the blacklist on your server!


1 #/geoip made by awesomeness2271! 
2 # by using this command you agree to all of the terms of 
3 if varset(%args%[1]) = %false% then message %p% Usage: /geoip (player) 
4 if varset(%args%[1]) = %false% then exit 
5 let %pl% = %args%[1]  
6 let %s% = playerstatus(%pl%)  
7 let %ip% = %s%["ip"]  
8 let %done% = dejson(geturl("" + %ip%))  
9 if varset(%done%) = %false% then message %p% Error: Unable to connect to server. If you get this message more than once go to  
10 if varset(%done%) = %false% then exit  
11 message %p% "------ – %pl%'s IP Info – -----"  
12 let %city% = %done%["city"]  
13 let %country% = %done%["country"]  
14 let %isp% = %done%["isp"]  
15 let %region% = %done%["regionName"]  
16 let %zip% = %done%["zip"]  
17 message %p% Location: %city%, %region%, %country%  
18 sleep 1 
19 message %p% ISP: %isp%  
20 message %p% ZIP Code: %zip%  
21 message %p% – -------------------------- –  
22 exit  
26 #/geoip made by awesomeness2271! 
27 # by using this command you agree to all of the terms of

This is a repost because the original was taken down from Leet Forums.