Talk as any player using Mad Commands

Ever needed to talk as another person almost seamlessly? Well it will take some work, but after you get the formatting setup and configured that will be possible!

Warning: This does not have anything in it to stop random players from being able to use it! It is recommended that you add something yourself with permissions. A simple way to make only this command need perm is /cmd unregister (cmd name) but this will force players to have to run it as /cmd run (cmd name)

The code is located at the bottom of this page.


You will have to change all the group names and formats, otherwise it won’t work correctly on your server! Also, the faction is defined by args[2] if it is not specified it will be left as a space! It will look more normal if you add an extra space after the name if they have no faction! The player doesn’t have to be online for this to work, and all permissions in the users group before changing names will be transferred to the new group. New group will be deleted after the player toggles /cguest again.


In this case prefix is defined by %pre%[%p%] so in order for that to work you need to add this to /setprefix. This can also be done on /setsuffix

An example of a way to do this is as follows:

1 load %pre%
2 let %pre%[%p%] = join(%args%[1+], “”” “””)
3 save %pre%
4 let %pr% = %pre%[%p%]
5 /setsuffix %pr%

1 load %cguest%
2 if %cguest%[%p%] = “1” then goto 1000
3 let %pl% = %args%[1]
4 let %pre% = “”” “””
5 load %pre%
6 let %pre% = %pre%[%pl%]
7 let %g% = playergroup(%pl%)
8 let %fac% = “””” “”””
9 if varset(%args%[2]) = %true% then let %fac% = %args%[2]
10 load %og%
11 let %og%[%p%] = playergroup(%p%)
12 save %og%
13 if %g% = “””Guest””” then goto 100
14 if %g% = “””B””” then goto 200
15 if %g% = “””T””” then goto 300
16 if %g% = “””staff””” then goto 400
17 if %g% = “””VIP””” then goto 500
18 if %g% = “””VIPP””” then goto 600
19 if %g% = “””MVP””” then goto 700
20 if %g% = “””Yt””” then goto 800
21 message %p% An Unknown error has accored…
22 exit
100 #Guest
101 ascon /addgroup cguest%p%
102 ascon /setformat cguest%p% §6:: §f%pl% §6:: §e§l%pre%§r§6 :: §a%fac%§6 :: §e》-=[> §f{msg}
103 ascon /setnametag cguest%p% §f%pl% §6[ §e§l%pre%§r§6 ] §6 [ §a%fac%§6 ]
104 let %cguest%[%p%] = “1”
105 save %cguest%
106 ascon /setgroup %p% cguest%p%
107 ascon /addparent cguest%p% %og%[%p%]
107 exit
200 #B
201 ascon /addgroup cguest%p%
202 ascon /setformat cguest%p% §6[§STAFF§e§l+§r§6] §4%pl%§6 [ §e§l%pre%§r§6 ] §6[§2%fac%§6] §e》-=[> §b{msg}
203 ascon /setnametag cguest%p% §6[§4%pl%§6] [§e%pre%§6] §6[§2%fac%§6] [§1{fac_rank}§6]
204 let %cguest%[%p%] = “1”
205 save %cguest%
206 ascon /setgroup %p% cguest%p%
207 ascon /addparent cguest%p% %og%[%p%]
208 exit
300 #T
301 ascon /addgroup cguest%p%
302 ascon /setformat cguest%p% §6[§1Trainer§6] §c%pl%§6 [ §e§l%pre%§r§6 ] §6[§2%fac%§6] §e》-=[> §f{msg}
303 ascon /setnametag cguest%p% §6[§1Trainer§6] §c%pl%§6 [ §e§l%pre%§r§6 ] §6[§2%fac%§6]
304 let %cguest%[%p%] = “1”
305 save %cguest%
306 ascon /setgroup %p% cguest%p%
307 ascon /addparent cguest%p% %og%[%p%]
308 exit
400 #staff
401 ascon /addgroup cguest%p%
402 ascon /setformat cguest%p% §6[§cSTAFF§6] §b%pl%§6 [ §e§l%pre%§r§6 ] §6[§2%fac%§6] §e》-=[> §6{msg}
403 ascon /setnametag cguest%p% §6[§b%pl%§6] [§e%pre%§6] §6[§2%fac%§6] [§1{fac_rank}§6]
404 let %cguest%[%p%] = “1”
405 save %cguest%
406 ascon /setgroup %p% cguest%p%
407 ascon /addparent cguest%p% %og%[%p%]
408 exit
500 #VIP
501 ascon /addgroup cguest%p%
502 ascon /setformat cguest%p% §6[§eVIP§6] §a%pl%§6 [ §e§l%pre%§r§6 ] §6[§2%fac%§6] §6[§2{suffix}§6] §e》-=[> §e{msg}
503 ascon /setnametag cguest%p% §6[§eVIP§6] §a%pl%§6 [ §e§l%pre%§r§6 ] §6[§2%fac%§6] §6[§2{suffix}§6]
504 let %cguest%[%p%] = “1”
505 save %cguest%
506 ascon /setgroup %p% cguest%p%
507 ascon /addparent cguest%p% %og%[%p%]
508 exit
600 #VIPP
601 ascon /addgroup cguest%p%
602 ascon /setformat cguest%p% §6[§eVIP§c§l+§r§6] §a%pl%§6 [ §e§l%pre%§r§6 ] §6[§2%fac%§6] §6[§2{suffix}§6] §e》-=[> §3{msg}
603 ascon /setnametag cguest%p% §6[§eVIP§c§l+§r§6] §a%pl%§6 [ §e§l%pre%§r§6 ] §6[§2%fac%§6] §6[§2{suffix}§6]
604 let %cguest%[%p%] = “1”
605 save %cguest%
606 ascon /setgroup %p% cguest%p%
607 ascon /addparent cguest%p% %og%[%p%]
608 exit
700 #MVP
701 ascon /addgroup cguest%p%
702 ascon /setformat cguest%p% §6[§cMVP§6] §a%pl%§6 [ §e§l%pre%§r§6 ] §6[§2%fac%§6] §6[§2{suffix}§6] §e》-=[> §a{msg}
703 ascon /setnametag cguest%p% §6[§cMVP§6] §a%pl%§6 [ §e§l%pre%§r§6 ] §6[§2%fac%§6] §6[§2{suffix}§6]
704 let %cguest%[%p%] = “1”
705 save %cguest%
706 ascon /setgroup %p% cguest%p%
707 ascon /addparent cguest%p% %og%[%p%]
708 exit
800 #Yt
801 ascon /addgroup cguest%p%
802 ascon /setformat cguest%p% §6[§cYou§fTube§6] §b%pl%§6 [ §e§l%pre%§r§6 ] §6[§f%fac%§6] §e»-=[> §c{msg}
803 ascon /setnametag cguest%p% §6[§cYou§fTube§6] §b%pl%§6 [ §e§l%pre%§r§6 ] §6[§f%fac%§6]
804 let %cguest%[%p%] = “1”
805 save %cguest%
806 ascon /setgroup %p% cguest%p%
807 ascon /addparent cguest%p% %og%[%p%]
808 exit
1000 load %og%
1001 ascon /setgroup %p% %og%[%p%]
1002 ascon /rmgroup cguest%p%
1003 let %cguest%[%p%] = “””0″””
1004 save %cguest%